jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Twilight Conversation

Boo Hoo dice:
The plot revolves around Bella Swan, a Mary Sue whose primary skills seem to be having a martyr complex, attracting trouble, and falling down. She moves to the rainy town of Forks to live with her father after some banal shenanigans make it impossible to live with her mother. Or so she likes to claim, but like I said, one of Bella's superpowers is Being a Martyr. At her new school, Bella is instantly feted as the queen of the social scene -- everyone likes her except (shock!) the impossibly beautiful Edward Cullen. Who is a vampire.
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I mean, sure, it's awkward being the subject of unwanted romantic attention -- or so I've heard -- but at least they're not playing creepy mind games and breaking into her house to watch her sleeping, because that would be -- oh, hang on...
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mato esto
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[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:
The quick version of this book: If you're pretty and pouty, you too can land yourself a gorgeous vampire boyfriend who will continuously save your a.
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
es tan scierto
Boo Hoo dice:
estas reviews son lo mejor
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
spera estoi komiendo
Boo Hoo dice:
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
pro talk to me
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:
Boo Hoo dice:
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sigo leyendo estas cosas
Boo Hoo dice:
Not that any of this matters to Bella once she spots beautiful Edward. The next 500 pages are filled with purple descriptions of his magnificence, of how she's not worthy, of how could this god-like/Adonis-like creature stoop to love her.

Boo Hoo dice:
Not that any of this matters to Bella once she spots beautiful Edward. The next 500 pages are filled with purple descriptions of his magnificence, of how she's not worthy, of how could this god-like/Adonis-like creature stoop to love her.

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Boo Hoo dice:
She "falls in love" with Edward within weeks of knowing him, and after a couple hundred pages, if he even mentions leaving, she hyperventilates and acts like her world will freaking collapse. Stalking is illegal in all 50 states, Bella.
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The author's writing style is unimpressive. Not bad, per se, but it wasn't giving me anything new. It all felt rather generic. Her vampires weren't bad - the "ultimate predators" and all that - but they were slightly ruined by her reasoning of why vamps can't go out in the sun. It's not because they'll burn up and die - it's because they glitter. That's right - these are GlamRock!Vampires.
Boo Hoo dice:
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
Stalking is illegal in all 50 states, Bella.

[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
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eso es lo que hay que decir
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

de donde lo sakast?
Boo Hoo dice:
reviews en amazon
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la mayoria son asi
Boo Hoo dice:
sino vienen de tipas de 13 años diciendo "I LOVE THE BOOOK OMGGZZZ EDWARDD"
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las reviews largas bien escritas son asi
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:

Twilight is, without a doubt, a thick book of fluff. It is melodramatic, cliche, ridiculous, and poorly written. And yet, it appeals to my inner vampire fangirl. The premise of "OH NOES, I AM ANGSTY VAMPIRE IN WUV WITH TEH HUMANZ" has been done to death and then some (pun intended), but taken as a fluffy bit of beach reading, Twilight isn't bad.
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Boo Hoo dice:
Boo Hoo dice:
tan tan cierto
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:
Some issues:

1. Bella comments on the weather too much. Yes, we know you like the heat and don't like the rain.
2. Bella hammers it home that she's clumsy. How many times do we need to see her getting dizzy or falling over?
3. Her friends (Mike, Eric, Jessica, Angela et. al.) aren't real friends. They are just there to play off of. She's not really interested in or close with any of them. In fact she seems more annoyed by their existence than anything else.
4. Every male in school was hot for Bella when she got there. MarySue, there's a phone call for you.
5. Edward is too perfect.
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6. There's no good reason for Edward to truly love Bella. He likes the smell of her blood, that's all. That's kinda shallow to build a relationship on, no? And Bella -- she doesn't seem to truly like him, she's "dazzled" by him and unable to resist him. Is pretty much having no will of your own in his presence equal to loving him?
7. Bella is never frightened of him enough. Because if she were, that would be very inconvenient for the plot.
8. Edward is always laughing, chuckling, amused etc. The whole thing's getting old.
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10. There's too much time spent telling me about all the little things Bella does. What she cooks and how, when she showers, more about the loudness of the truck, etc.
11. Edward can't read Bella's thoughts. There's no good reason for this except that again, it would really screw with the plot if he could.
Boo Hoo dice:
OK, Bella, so you're hot and bothered already! GET ON WITH THE STORY!,
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:
This is by far the best book i have ever read. It has all the components of a great story.(Love,mystery,intigue,and so much more)No matter what kind of books you normally read trust me this is one you must read!I love this book and you will too.The next one is expected in October(New Moon is the tentative name),and another after that!Hurry up and buy it you won't regret it!
Boo Hoo dice:
It recommend this book to everyone it a big page turner. Read it you will love it!I could read it over and over. Amazing theme, about love, trust and much more. Best book I've ever read in my life. Read it!
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
me imagino una niña kn pecas y kra de kn
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
shame on u!
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:
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se llama jazmin
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
para acabarlame llamo petalo de flor silvestre
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:
and i love the book/edward
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tu nick
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y ahora el mio
[b][c=48]Seventeen[/c][/b] dice:

Boo Hoo dice:
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me traume con la cancion esta de eyes on fire
Boo Hoo dice:
esta bueeeena

(espacio en blanco) = Risa/XD

Mary Sue: Mary Sue es un término utilizado por el mundo del fandom, refiriéndose a un personaje femenino (de ser masculino suele usarse el nombre Gary Stu) agregado en la historia original que suele ser un alter-ego del escritor/escritora, cuya principal característica es la de ser perfecto y no tener fallos. No todo personaje original es necesariamente un Mary Sue.

Rasgos comunes
El autor suele ser del mismo sexo del Mary Sue. coff coff Mujer
El personaje favorito de la autora, del sexo opuesto de la Mary Sue se enamorará y probablemente terminará con ella. coff coff* edward
Mary Sue suele tener un poder extraordinario, en sagas con personajes "mortales" frecuentan los poderes psíquicos. *ahm her mind is not available XD
La mayoría de las veces, las Mary Sue tienen un pasado trágico, que puede ser similar al de alguno de los protagonistas. *"omg soy tan infeliz en la escuela/casa/etc"
Con frecuencia Mary Sue termina estando emparentada con alguno de los personajes de la historia original. *coff coff cullen
Si se trata de una estudiante, proviene de alguna escuela extranjera y llega mediante un programa de intercambio. *XD esto comienza a asustarme...
Si el personaje favorito de la autora del Mary Sue ya se encuentra románticamente vinculado a un personaje existente en la serie original, el mismo preferirá a la Mary Sue por sobre todas las cosas *incluso su sangre...creeepy
La Mary Sue probablemente unirá románticamente a dos personajes, que al parecer de(l) la autor(a) deberían estar juntos. *coff coff mike - jessica
Generalmente la trama de la historia (Fanfiction) suele estar centrada en la Mary Sue. *es basada en Bella!!...(0_O)
Es querida por la mayoría de los personajes y raramente tiene defectos (y si los tiene, son mínimos). *o solo estan en su cabeza por todos la aman
Obtenido de "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue"


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